As featured in...

The Newbury Street Guide. The Improper Bostonian. City Magazine. Sacred Pathways Magazine. Spirit of Change Magazine and on air on WBZ, WZBC & WATD.

Dr. Smookler

Dr. Smookler

For the last quarter-century Dr. Neal Smookler has pioneered Developmental Alphabiotics throughout Boston and New England. After opening Boston’s Flagship Alphabiotic Center on Newbury Street in August 1992, he has maintained three full time Alphabiotic practices in Boston, Wellesley and Hopkinton, Massachusetts...

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Alphabiotics Q&A

Alphabiotics Q&A

It enables people to break free from the restless, outer-reactive, energy wasting state of being caused by the complexity of stress that so characterizes much of everyday life. Alphabiotics enables us access to levels of wellness, transformation, joy and discovery previously thought unimaginable...

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The Proof is in The Pudding

The Proof is in The Pudding

Taken from the many we receive, the following are a small but representative sample of our participant’s experience.
The idea is straightforward, to reassure people, who feel (understandably) perhaps a bit hesitant about a new ‘thing’ of which they’ve heard little about.
We are ever humbled by the trust our participants place, in our hands, when they bring in their family...

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  An Important Statement from Dr. Smookler.      

It has recently been brought to our attention that there are numerous videos on YouTube that are a horrific representation of the alphabiotic method. These videos show laypersons with little or no training attempting the method. The alphabiotic method is not a neck adjustment. It is not a spinal adjustment. Any individual representing it as such, is misguided. The method is a gentle and most importantly, safe process. This is very different from the representations that are found on YouTube. Delivering a proper Alphabiotic Reset is not something to be practiced as a hobby or by “moonlighting” on the side. It takes years of dedication to master. Dr. Smookler has three decades of experience in Developmental Alphabiotics and nearly forty years as a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic. Neal has provided the alphabiotic method safely over 230,000 times since 1992 – an accomplishment unparalleled anywhere in New England. Dr. Smookler has maintained three full time practices in Boston, Wellesley and now Hopkinton, Massachusetts.

The New England Alphabiotic Foundation.

The New England Alphabiotic Foundation – Hopkinton, MA

What exactly is Alphabiotics?  

Developmental Alphabiotics {pronounced  Alpha-bee-otics} is a helping system perfect for todays world. It enables people to break free from the restless, outer-reactive, energy wasting state of being caused by the complexity of stress that so characterizes much of everyday life.  Alphabiotics enables us access to levels of wellness, transformation, joy and discovery previously thought unimaginable.

How is that accomplished? 

Via a dynamic referred to as The Alphabiotic Integration.

Could you explain that?

Sure. The Alphabiotic Integration is a hands-on touch process that acts as a catalyst, a way of flipping on a switch so to speak, to a higher level of right- brain / left-brain synchronicity.  When successful, ones subtle vibratory life energies, or Spirit, come into a fuller, more glorious expression in the mind-body allowing for seemingly miraculous shifts on all planes…and at every level of your being. It can bring you back into harmony with your Divine Essence. The Integration is a facilitation. It frees the innate power, inherent within the mind-body. This renewing essence, when liberated, radiates through one’s being, dissolving instances of physical and mental malaise as light obliterates darkness. Properly utilized, a very real shift in consciousness blossoms..  As we spend sustained time in this new realm of higher brain integration our entire cellular being, as well as our reality (re)-organizes and attunes around the vibratory frequency of new, more positive and loving thought forms. Being elemental to it’s integrity, the new frequency stimuli assist to reinstate the blueprint of the Soul.  It is this core level phenomenon that is believed to be responsible for the transformation of life experience so often realized.