Alphabiotics Critics

Alphabiotics Critics

Alphabiotics Critics-The New England Alphabiotic Foundation

Alphabiotics Critics-The New England Alphabiotic Foundation

In recent years there have emerged various critical articles on the internet about Alphabiotics. When anything new comes on the scene, especially something that really delivers – yet is so almost incomprehensibly simple; it tends to meet with resistance.

Anyway, these articles generally fall into two categories. First are the skeptics. Skepticism as a form of logic was disproved centuries ago by philosophers like Plato & Socrates. The flaw in all skeptical critique is that skepticism is based upon a premise of disbelief. In other words they set about to prove their position of disbelief is correct. Why not start with the premise (like a scientist would) that you don’t know and use reason to find the truth?

Thankfully, we’re in good company (naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture and chiropractic – just to name a few, are all unfairly included on these skeptic websites as well). You’ll note that skeptics never actually try any of these. I’m a firm advocate that real knowing can only come through first-hand experience and not by reading online fodder.

It’s seems so silly. One simply mentions the word spirituality or higher consciousness and some people immediately assume a secret society, cult or worse.

One of our members, Nancy – so eloquently retorted one ridiculous assertion; while making us feel like Jimmy Stewart in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’

 Nancy C. posted 11/15/07 @ 3:22 PM EST

As someone who has enjoyed alphabiotic alignments from Dr. Neal Smookler in Boston for several years, I feel compelled to correct Aaron Sakulich’s ridiculous assertion that Alphabiotics is a cult, a religion, or a “creepy way of life”. I suppose the cynical Mr. Sakulich might consider some of the other things I enjoy, like Yoga, Meditation, or an occasional reflexology foot massage to fall into the same category. Sorry guys, not true. And if the author wants to rub my feet, as he has offered to fondle women’s heads in his article, thanks, but I think I’ll see a professional for both.

The article claims that, according to the dictionary, there are five cult requirements:

1) formal religious veneration: I have never been asked to adopt or even read or discuss anything religious at my Alphabioticist’s office.

2) a system of belief and ritual: The only, “system of belief” I’m aware of is one that affirms life, health and well being as a goal.

3) beliefs considered by the mainstream to be unorthodox or spurious: I’m curious, who has conducted the poll of the “mainstream” ? When was the vote and why wasn’t I there? Seriously, If the author is referring to the Commission of Chiropractic Quality Assurance, one does not have to go too far back in history to find the time when chiropractors were being persecuted and even thrown in jail because a threatened and greedy AMA wanted to consider them all quacks, charlatans and snake-oil salesmen.

4) a system for the cure of disease: Wrong again, Alphabiotics doesn’t make any such claims.

5) an adherence to a person, idea, object or movement: Well, I guess he’s got me on this one. I do adhere to the idea that getting aligned makes me feel great. I feel more clear headed, energized, kind of re-charged for life.

So, who am I, anyway? Just what I never thought I would become: a mainstream, middle-aged, suburban, working mother of two. They don’t play soccer, but we still have the mini-van. I admit, I’m into holistic health, meaning that I take care of body-mind and spirit, but you won’t find me standing in line with a glassy stare waiting to drink the kool-aid.

And who do I see in Dr. Smookler’s waiting room? Lots of other people, just like me, coming in on their lunch-break, or before picking up the kids from school, business men between meetings. Not a very culty group.

Now, if you are looking for an organization that better fits the cult definition above, check out At first glance the Triangle appears to be just another old boys’ greed and nepotism club, but after reading a bit of their web info, I’m pretty sure they meet the author’s 5 point qualification as a cult a lot better than the Alphabiotic Association does.

I’ll leave it to the reader to decide who is more “creepy”.

Nancy C. Boston, MA

And, my response …

Neal Robert Smookler posted 7/29/07 @ 9:23 PM EST

It’s seems so silly. One simply mentions the word spirituality or higher consciousness and people (Aaron) immediately assume a secret society, cult or worse?

I have been around developmental alphabiotics for a decade and a half and to even suggest that it’s a cult is so misguided.

I understand (Aaron) that it’s the age of the internet and anyone can post anything. I’m also glad that people are smart enough to make decisions based upon their personal experience. I always encourage people to follow their intuition. If they are not comfortable with someone or something, move away from that. I encourage them to not believe everything they read on-line without first researching and asking questions. Something (Aaron) you chose to evade when constructing your Op-Ed.

Additionally, it’s defamatory. One (Aaron) must be very careful when directly defaming a profession as it indirectly affects individuals, their families, their livelihood and reputation.

Aaron… to write or say something that is so erroneous and misdirected is counter productive journalism. We all have enough in the world today to deal with. Aaron. Your Op-Ed, which was based on everything but your own experience is an incendiary that makes life more difficult for some of us. It wasn’t necessary.

In the age of the internet, these are the growing pains that any new profession will go through. It happened to acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy and so many other professions in the early days as well. In fact there a still folks out there that thing all of those professions are quack filled cults. They’re not. Truth soon enough becomes evident.

I won’t place any more thought on it beyond this post as I choose not to place a charge on it. That’s all you can do in this life. It’s difficult. But it’s the only way to good things.

Neal Robert Smookler

Neal Robert Smookler posted 8/04/07 @ 4:19 PM EST

As a corollary, I feel the gateway to greater knowledge is through the experience. I think when anything new comes on the scene, especially something that really delivers – yet is so incomprehensibly simple; it tends to meet with resistance.

People try to label it, assign it and when that ultimately fails they lump it into the category of least resistance. Perhaps that’s just human nature.

What really disappointed me with Aaron’s ‘opinion’ was that he never actually had a first hand experience. His entire perspective was based upon anything but his experience with an qualified and knowledgeable alphabioticist.

I have been an alphabioticist for close to sixteen years and the work has helped so many. Individuals that were miserable, unhappy, sick, stuck, unproductive and even suicidal – alphabiotics shifted them to a better place.

So when Aaron states his opinion with no real foundation – individuals that may be miserable, unhappy, sick, stuck, unproductive and even suicidal may avoid seeking alphabiotic help because of what they read online by someone with no solid background in the profession.That’s the tragedy. Journalism comes great responsibility.

Neal Robert Smookler

Bad Apples. Second are news articles that imply that Alphabiotics is harmful. The simple reality here is that all negative press about Alphabiotics refer to people who aren’t certified to provide Alphabiotics. Like an un-trained medical doctor these people endanger the public and give the rest of the profession a bad name. No one has ever been harmed by a properly trained, certified and registered Alphabioticist.

Bottom line. Research and ask questions. Follow your intuition. If you are not comfortable with someone or something – move away from that. I’ve provided the Alphabiotic method well over eighty thousand times. In fact, last winter I was rebooting my seventy-nine year old dad who, at the time, had three (that’s not a misprint) fractures in his head – without a problem. That’s how benign it is when properly provided.

The World Wide Web carries an enormous volume of information. It also carries with it a grand responsibility.

Unfortunately, there are a spattering of individuals out there who practice and even teach a bastardized, watered-down and potentially dangerous version of the Alphabiotic Process. If you have ever mastered a musical instrument, you know that after 2 or more years of intense repetition and diligent practice of the psycho-motor skills, a transition from rote mechanics to the art / the feel / the subtle nuances of the instrument seamlessly begins to reveal itself. The Alphabiotic Method is no different.

We know of no one who has mastered it in less than 5 to 7 years of focused effort and committment.

The Alphabiotic Integration. It’s simple. It’s eloquent. It’s safe. It is estimated that the three generations of the Chrane family alone have provided the Integration SAFELY over 2,000,000 times since the 1920’s. The New England Alphabiotic Foundation has done the same over 200,000 times in the last twenty years. Worldwide, another 500,000 – 750,000 times (a conservative estimate) since 1971.

Much of the content above was excerpted from

Additional content was excerpted from, and